Monday, October 26, 2009

October Kids Update!

Well, I've found myself with an hour to go before meeting hubby for lunch, and don't feel like tackling the pile of laundry, so I figure it's time for an UPDATE!

The Boy has been doing fantastically at school. Academically, he is right up there with the rest of the class, in spite of missing the first half of Year 1. Handwriting is his weakest, but his mother had hideous handwriting till university (and according to hubby, it's still awful). He WON AN AWARD at the assembly (parade) last Friday!!! It was an award for persistence. He's had trouble focusing on story-writing while all his classmates are just jumping in. So we worked on a story "map" last Tuesday morning and he sat down and wrote a paragraph about Superman saving someone. Doesn't sound like much maybe, but it was a big accomplishment for him, so his teacher wanted to draw attention to it and encourage him. Schools really need to do this. It is such a dangerous thing to hear Ontario schools NOT holding assemblies and NOT celebrating children's little accomplishments. There is a "parade" every Friday at the kids school. It lasts about an hour and kids perform, some are awarded for behaviour or sports or academics and information is shared. It's kind of like a pep rally. What a great way to foster school spirit... and to encourage children to be their personal best. *RANT MODE OFF*

The Girl has been making friends and doing the rounds on the birthday party circuit. They are having so much fun in their party dresses, playing different games and winning prizes. She was ECSTATIC when she won a freeze dancing contest at one party. She just LOVES to dance. Whether it's in ballet class, at the school fair, at home, in the mall - if there's music on, she wants to move. Her recital is coming up in a few weeks and she is getting excited for us to see her perform. She's such a drama queen... I guess she gets that from her dad ;)

We're hosting a big hallowe'en party this weekend. The kids are pretty excited to share our "customs" and heck, when there's candy and costumes involved, you can't really go wrong! Here are their costumes:

They had a dry run for the school disco this past weekend. They had a blast dressing up for their friends, and the boy loved that not everyone recognized him. He kept saying all night "it's me, C, really!"

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