Monday, June 22, 2009


Holy cow? How did we get here? We are TWO weeks from our flight and the panic has now set in!

The debate over bags still rages on... Hubby wants to bring FIVE (up from his original four) and I want to bring EIGHT. Ok, I would settle for six, and that may be the final number. Have you ever tried to cram everything you need for a year into FIVE suitcases? It just can't be done - especially with two kids. Have I mentioned this before?

Progress on packing today though. My favouritest girlfriend (today, lol!) was over and helped. Sometimes it just takes having someone else there to help get an ADD/procrastinating girl motivated! We cleaned out the boy's room and moved the toys into the girl's room to make room for Nana to sleep. Laundry is almost completely caught up and the kids have no clothes left in their rooms. Yay me!

Gave up on finding a place to live before we move. We figure it will be easier to get real estate agents to call us back when we are in the same hemisphere. Funny that.

OK - enough playing - back to packing and cleaning... TTFN... until I have more news to share! And thanks for reading!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

It's Coming so Quickly!

Damn! Where did the time go. It's already June 2nd and we leave for Brisbane in just over a month!

We fly out on July 5th... the flight takes us through TO-LA-Melbourne-Brisbane... We are looking forward to spending some time with Michelle and Izyk in LA before we head to our new home. Jody Marone's - here I come!

Accomodations in Brisbane are still in the works. We like the look of Milton/Paddington/Bulimba, so it's just a matter of finding a place to live in those areas. We have scoped out the schools and parks and other fun stuff - and are now getting anxious to get there and experience it! OH - and I have found a Target and IKEA close enough to do some serious shopping when we get there...
Packing has started... sort of. Hubby is convinced that we can pack everything we need for a year into four suitcases. (Yes, this is the same wonderful man who wanted to do our last move in laundry baskets.) So, we will be bringing our allotted EIGHT suitcases. :) That said, how do you fit your whole life in eight suitcases? For a shopaholic/scrapaholic/hoarder like myself, this is a real challenge. That, and the fact that our new 50" TV won't fit in any of our suitcases...
I am enjoying the purging part though. Every week for the last month, I have delivered two huge yard garbage bags of STUFF to the Diabetes Association for their fundraising efforts. See? I get to be philanthropical and earn brownie points with hubby... WIN WIN!
The kids are excited. I don't think they really know what we're going to be doing, or how long we'll be gone, but they will adjust. They love to webcam and can't wait to do so with their friends. The goodbyes may be a bit jolting for them, so we're working on keeping everything as positive as possible.
That's it for now... maybe I should get back to the piles of laundry and clutter. At this rate, I will not be ready by the 5th of July.